A few days ago a friend messaged me and asked, “Didn’t you write an advent meditation for children at some point? I was looking for it, and didn’t find it.”
The truth is, I had planned to write one, but never got around to it.
So I’m going to try and get it done this month. In addition to all the other things, like packing for an international move, 2 birthdays and overseeing the transfer of many of my responsibilities with The Charis Project here in the US to other volunteers. But this will be my fun thing to do.
There won’t be any pictures I don’t think. Just words. I suggest you have your kids draw pictures while they listen that you can put up for each day of advent. Make their pieces of paper small in size and you can make a border around a room or along one wall that would be fun to look at.
Most advent meditations focus on the lineage of Jesus, all the people leading up to him. I love these and we have used them, and will again. I wanted to come at it from a different angle, perhaps a more cosmic approach, that highlights the significance of his coming, and the larger context of Light to the World.
As always. Take the time to slow down with these. Talk about them. Leave time for the kids to think and engage. Please don’t tell them what to think, let them come to their own conclusions. Ask questions rather than give answers to give them another way of looking at it if you like.
Thank you for reading along.