We were getting ready to move into our first apartment in California. All our furniture had been left behind in Canada, we had only what 2 minivans could carry on the drive down.

I was trying not to be bitter about how unrealistic it had been to believe what we told ourselves about just buying new stuff when we got there. The idea of sitting on the floor wasn’t so terrible, but having kids sitting on carpet to eat, the lack of a way to contain the food messes as they wandered was more than I could handle.

So I built a table. There were old boards laying around my inlaw’s house that were once part of a playground. I used power tools for the first time, saw, drill. screwdriver. I made a table that we could sit around on the floor because we had no chairs, and then I figured out how to put legs on it and build benches too. (They are a little tippy.)

That table still sits in our dining room, though there is another sitting in the backyard waiting to be refinished that will replace it. The table I built will be our outdoor eating table after that.

Five years ago I stopped whining about a problem and found a solution. I’m proud of that.
This is in participation w. Gypsy Mama’s 5 Minute Friday Prompt. You’re welcome to play along.
8 thoughts on “5 Years Ago”
You posted just before I did, so I am writing to offer encouragement and thanks for this offering! Such creativity – congrats. And continued blessings as you settle into new life, new home. How many of those beautiful children belong to you??
P.S. I was born in San Diego, currently live in Santa Barbara. California coastal life can be pretty cool. Hope you're finding it so.
Thanks Diana. I do love it here now. 🙂
And the 3 children in the bottom photo are mine, plus a baby boy who didn't make it into that photo.
You are fabulous. I have no problem living with little to no furniture, but I can only imagine what a pain it would be while dealing with *children*!
COOL!! I love the visuals you added –
Awesome! I love this. I'm here via 5 Minute Friday. This was great!
You are my hero. Wow.
You are fabulous. I have no problem living with little to no furniture, but I can only imagine what a pain it would be while dealing with *children*!
Awesome! I love this. I'm here via 5 Minute Friday. This was great!
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