Sometimes I wish that we at The Charis Project had a more flashy story. I follow a lot of organizations, and people, who do extraordinary things and they have amazing stories to tell.

Sometimes I forget that our story is anything other than routine. Maybe you do too.
You know, we just take care of kids. We take care of abandoned, forgotten, and orphaned kids. Every month they need more food. Every month they need toothbrushes, shampoo, to visit the doctor, or get another pair of shoes because their feet grew larger once again. (And we work hard in their communities to bring the changes that will keep other kids safe, and with their families in the long run.)

Every month that we take care of them is another month that they live, another month that they are safe from the clutches of people who would exploit them, sell their bodies for a pittance and their labor for less.

Every month that they stay at a Charis Home, they stay rescued. If we quit, they go back to where they were before, and they aren’t rescued after all.

Some times I lose sight of the miracle I’m witness to, just as we parents often do. Every baby we’re given is an amazing blessing, a precious gift. Then we get used to having them around, and start to feel that they always will be, we stop treasuring and just get through, our life one more commonplace story in a thousand similar stories.

But it is a miracle. Because of The Charis Project kids are safe, kids are loved, kids are taught and fed and given a future. Kids that have no one who can take care of them without us. Without you.
You, here, you make the difference to a kid there, in Thailand, a dirty, scruffy, frightened kid who has pain in their belly and loss in their eyes.

Will you help make a difference for another year? Will you help us to take care of them month after month, to stay rescued?

Our goal is to start 2011 with 300 people committed to giving $10 each per month. That’s just 10 people a day signing up. If everyone who came to this sight every day signed up we could reach our goal in less than a week.
If that happens we can take care of more kids, support more homes, start a school for children whose parents are migrant workers, build a safe hostel for them to stay and continue studying if their parents have to move around for work.
Could you drink 2 fewer starbucks lattes to rescue a child in need? Would you?
We can’t do it without you.
The Charis Project from Charis Project on Vimeo.
2011 to do list: Rescue a Child
4 thoughts on “2011 to do list: Rescue a Child”
Your story is amazing — God infused and miracle making — all Jesus.
A humble privilege to help in a very small way. I can't go — though I keep praying this. But I can go through you.
Thank you for letting me join your story — His.
You were before me on the Gypsy Mama's site. So glad I got the opportunity to read this. Thank you.
It is easy to NOT see the miracles when they are right in front of us. Thank you for sharing this story. Life is stories. (found you at Gypsy Mama)
What a beautiful are certainly making a difference in the lives of these precious ones!
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