One Thousand Gifts-Week 40

holy experience

The rain started Friday night, on the way home from celebrating Shabbat, Beema’s birthday and yet another uncle who had the dubious fortune of having his birthday land of Thanksgiving Day this year. By Saturday morning we were nearly drowning in wet. Then the hail started. But it hasn’t rained in months, so we reveled in it. The kids ran out to play and came in to warm up over and over all day. They gathered up the hail where it lay in the grass. We lit candles, and made tea and hot chocolate. Oh, and set up a new, to us, computer that was a gift passed on from my BIL’s girlfriend’s family. (Got that?) Thank-you so much. It’s great to be able to work in my own space again. Here’s this week’s list.

bowls of hail preserved in the freezer.

Piles of wet clothes near the door from playing outside in the rain.

Damp kids drinking hot chocolate.

Little singing a made up song, “Are you sleeping, little one? Are you sleeping…”

A balsam fir scented candle giving cozy light

The large gathering of friends and family around the table(s).

Caramel sauce.

My MIL’s jalapeno bread stuffing.

a walk down a dirt road with old and treasured friends.

Sunset at the end of a long valley that reaches the sea.

The Boy throwing himself at me for a hug, repeatedly.

A long visit with someone that I expect will soon be family. I really like her.

Time with my big girl that I love, even if only for a little while.

The MIL and BIL who’s birthdays we celebrated this week.


The Thanksgiving tree covered with leaves after dinner, each with something to be thankful for written on it.

Sitting around in the sunshine with the whole family together after church.

Dinner by candlelight.

Watching Little try, over and over again, to blow out the candle at the end.

Little girls in pretty nightgowns twirling to strains of Haydn before bed.

The Girl’s funny walk on a still asleep foot when she woke up this morning.

The gratitude community is here @ a holy experience.

all content © Carrien Blue