So I did promise to have another giveaway soon, this time for the boys cape. Seemed like the bloggy giveaway would be a good time. So, if you want to win this fabulous cape, perfect for young kings and knights in training, leave a comment below and I’ll draw for the winner Sunday at midnight.I’ll make the cape to fit the winner.
all content © Carrien Blue
10 thoughts on “More to give away”
Thanks for the e-mail. I was excited when I saw that you were offering… not only a knight’s cape, but a homemade one! (The cheap-o ones in the 50% off bin after Halloween fall apart pretty quickly.)
I’d love to enter to win this for my little bubby. Thanks for such a sweet offer! It seems that there are a lot of giveaway offers that are perfect for little girls (jewelry, purses, aprons, etc.) but slim pickins for boys.
Very nice!
My knights would love this!
This would simply be perfect!
What fun!
hods5mom (at) aol (dot) com
A lovely cape for a little prince! Please enter me in your giveaway, I have a 4 year old grandson who is a little prince/superhero/nascar driver/kitty…..
Our little price/superhero would love this! Also-glad you are back in your home and safe. I really enjoy your blog.
Oooh Oooh Oooh. Great givaway. Ben would live this. He is a knight (we took a trip to midevil times and he was smitten) and a superhero regularly.
It is good to hear you are safe. Can’t believe you are already back doing extras.
James would love a good cape though…
Our little price/superhero would love this! Also-glad you are back in your home and safe. I really enjoy your blog.
This would simply be perfect!
What fun!
hods5mom (at) aol (dot) com
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